I am extremely happy to report that my sister is out of surgery and doing OK, to give you a little background on her she is a short gut baby which basically means her biological did a bunch of drugs while she was pregnant with her and that caused her a lot of damage the worst one was when she was born half of her small intestine was dead so they had to remove it well that's where you absorb nutrients from the food that you eat so she as a feeding tube where she gets a vitamin and nutrient enriched formula well as if that isn't hard enough on her 2 weeks she had a confirmed case of H1N1 and it hit her hard she been going down hill for a while and she lost a bunch of weight and her organs were starting to shut down so what the drs had to do was but a line in her heart that will but nutrients right into her blood cus her body isn't absorbing it any other way, they say she will have the line in for a least a month so she can get better and put on some weight so ill keep you posted
Now for Andrew he is not my boyfriend but some time I wonder if he likes me as more than a friend which would suck cus I would never ever want to hurt him
well I know this is one of my shorter post lol and I am leaveing some good gossip out but that can all wait til the morning right now, now that Iknow aubrey OK I myself am only running on 6 hours of sleep in the last two days so im going to go get some sleep
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